Youth Employability through Skilling, Experiential Learning & Technology Transfer

Project 5: Increased youth employability through skilling, innovations, experiential learning and technology transfer

The overall objective is to strengthen the capacity of youth entrepreneurs through innovation and skilling. We will reach them through the university or through organizations specialized on youth and youth unem ployment. Sub-project 5 will strengthen the capacity of the university through the development of training on entrepreneurship and through the strengthening the Centre of Innovations and Technology Transfer. A see, think, do and care model will be employed to link training, research, innovations and production. Innovative teaching and experiential learning in short vocational entrepreneurship courses will include hands-on skills, coaching, mentorship, feedback, follow-up and twinning with industry/artisans to benefit the youth for gainful employment. Industrial training will be undertaken through partnership with selected innovation centres, agencies and industry. Annual hack-a-thons that engage all categories of youth will be run and prototypes developed for commercialisation to respond to pressing demographic challenges. Datathons will also be run to bring together participants to use their creativity and data science skills to build, test and explore solutions.

A PhD student will be attached to the project to avail datasets for the Datathons and assess their success. This will inform the best applicable models that can be used to effectively skill the Youth. Female and male youths will be equitably selected and supported with ICT to build teams, self-esteem and pull resources for their business start-ups until apprenticeship maturity. The skilled youth champions will be supported to reach out to other youth as a multiplier effect. Exhibitions, demonstrations, commercialisation of ideas and an annual youth skilling week will be conducted for technology transfer. Such a capacity building will systematically benefit the university stakeholders (students, alumni, faculty and staff) and other youth entrepreneurs in the region to develop their ventures. Surrounded with a multidisciplinary supportive ecosystem, the rate of success of youth entrepreneurs can dramatically increase.

The overall goal is to contribute to the elimination of youth unemployment in SWU Specific Objectives:

  • Develop a multidisciplinary ecosystem of various internal and external stakeholders in support of youth innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Strengthen business incubation, experiential learning & technology transfer
  • Develop short training courses for the youth that strengthens their entrepreneurial and innovation skills
  • Support youth entrepreneurs transfer

Team Composition

Meet our diverse team shaping sustainable solutions for South Western Uganda’s demographic challenges.

Dr. Manasseh Tumuhimbise


Lector Thijs Martens


Ivo Pauw


Inge Esselen


Ms. Keitesi Aisha


Rogers Mwavu


Dr. Imelda Kemeza


Asaph Katarangi


Twinomuhwezi Alex


Dr. Dirk Lafaut


Recent Activity Photos

Explore visual highlights capturing the latest project activities, illustrating our progress and community engagement.

November 11, 2024

Youth – Connekt Africa Summit Photos

June 13, 2024

Site handover for construction of the MUST Entrepreneurship Centre ( Photos )

June 13, 2024

Students’ Entrepreneurship Boot Camp Photos

January 15, 2024

Innovation cafe and youth employability

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